Joining Malvern

(This page was updated 2 March 2021 - term fees for 2021 are accurate)

Malvern has close to 100 youth, if your child wants to join, call Group Leader Jeff Peters on 021 288 2866 or email

If you wish to become a leader, contact Group Leader Jeff Peters on  021 288 2866 or email  The youth of leaders at Malvern do not pay term fees.

Or, call 0800 Scouts to talk about joining Scouts

Keas          Monday       Whero     6-7pm
Cubs          Wednesday  Matai      6.30-8pm
Cubs          Thursday     Tama       6.30-8pm
Scouts        Monday                      7.15-9pm
Venturers   Tuesday                      7-9pm

Joining Malvern Scout Group;

1.  Read the following about what you can expect of Scouts and what is expected of
     you as a parent/guardian.
     1) Welcome to Malvern
     2) Welcome to Keas, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers

2.  Try us - the first 4 consecutive nights are free.  On your first visit, complete the
     Consent and Application to Join and give to the Section Leader.
     This is required for your child to participate.

3.   Keas, Cubs and Scouts will be invoiced the investiture fee of $30 (for scarf, woggle,
      initial badges, certificate) and term fees to cover the remaining nights in
      that term.  Payment is required before your child can be invested.
      Payments should be made by direct credit (wait for the invoice) - bank account
      03-1704-0054060-000    Use the invoice number as the reference.

     Venturers will be invoiced term fees by the Group.  Other required costs (scarf,
      woggle, initial badges) will be invoiced by the Venturer Unit Treasurer.

4.   Order a shirt from Scouting Direct online at
      Once you've got it your child can wear it to secton nights. 
       (scarf etc., are officially presented when invested) 
5.   Your child makes the Kea or Scout Promise and is invested (scarf, woggle, initial
      badges, certificate will be presented.)
      Parents are welcome to attend - bring your camera for a special shot.

6.   Your child's details will be entered into our online database OSM and you will receive
       an email inviting you to log on and complete personal contact details etc.

7.   You will receive an invitation to Mahi Tahi, Scouts NZ online communication tool.
      Parents will use it for Keas and Cubs but from Scouts on, youth should be able to
      use it easily themselves.

8.   Before the start of the next term you will be invoiced for term fees - payment within 2
      weeks is required. See below for what happens when fees are not paid.

9.  If you take a term off for sport or other reasons, if you tell us by the time the invoice should
     be paid, we can waive the term fees.

What does it cost?
Financial cost for Keas, Cubs, Scouts
Investiture is $30 - scarf, woggle, initial badges, certificate
Shirts from Scouting Direct cost $42 for youth sizes, $48 for adult sizes (plus freight)
Term fees are $120 per school term.
Fees are invoiced at the start of term - prompt payment please.
Having a term off is possible but it must be the entire term and if so term fees are not invoiced.
Transition to next Section level is $10 -  woggle, badges
Camps and offsite activities (sailing, clip 'n climb, bowling etc.) do cost extra.

Financial cost for Venturers
Investiture is similar to the above but dependent on what is actually needed.
Term fees are $100 per school term - invoiced at start of term - prompt payment please.
Annual Venturer Unit Subscription - $50 - invoiced at start of year - prompt payment please.
Having a term off is possible but it must be the entire term and if so term fees are not invoiced.
Camps and other activities do cost extra.

Paying Fees - and what happens when fees are not paid
Fees will be invoiced before each term starts, 4 times a year.  Payment within 2 weeks is required.
When fees are not paid within 2 weeks of invoice date, badges will no longer be presented and youth will not be able to attend paid events (camps etc.).  When fees are outstanding at the end of the term youth will be asked not to attend the next term until fees are paid.

Your time
Our Group cannot operate on term fees alone.  Malvern Scout Group is what it is because we all share the load.  Parents/caregivers of all youth are expected to help with the following; Section night help, fundraising, Hall cleaning roster etc.

For more information email the Group Leader at